If you are running a small business company or you are a self employed tax filer, then there are greater chances of audit than someone who is files a few W-2s. Actually the reason is that IRS give more focus on certain factors which are more prominent figures for tax fraud. Another reason is that tax filing in a business organization is a complex job and there are more chances of making a mistake.
If you own a small business firm and have problems in taxation then it is a very good option to look for hiring tax services of CPA (certified public accountant) for the solution of your accounting problems. A certified public accountant will be helpful in bookkeeping and account management of your organization. Using his expertise he can indicate how to get more deductions. He also helps in identifying weak sectors of your business and there will be less chances of triggering audit.
It is obvious that a certified professional accountant has special skills, knowing better how to conduct tax code and what factors will benefit your organization. For example tax rules and regulations of United States range over fourteen thousand pages and it will be difficult for someone to go through all these rules one by one while a CPA has covered these entire well and can guide an organization which mistakes should be avoided.
A CPA can manage and maintain audit track very well and through his experience can guide you on disputes of return. It wills your chances of being audited.
CPA is not only continues to protect those rights but also guides members in understanding and observing the highest professional and ethical standards influence on issues important to our members. 20/20 tax resolution